Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to all our new students, especially all our Kindy and Pre-primary students who are commencing their education journeys at South Lake Primary in 2024. Starting Kindergarten is a very important and exciting time in your child’s life and in your lives as well. On behalf of the staff and myself, we want you to know that we will do everything we can to make your child’s kindergarten start and kindergarten year, the best possible.

SLPS is committed to providing every student with a pathway to a successful future. A huge amount of work has been done by staff and this has provided us with excellent direction for 2024, evidenced in our 2022 – 2025 School Business Plan. At the conclusion of 2021 South Lake Primary School received a certificate of Recognition of Academic Excellent signed by the Minister of Education and the Director General acknowledging the efforts of staff.

We have a strong focus on excellence in Literacy and Numeracy, using whole school approaches to enhance curriculum delivery. Central to the whole school approach is our use of Explicit Instruction as the most consistent pedagogy across the school.  Students are offered specialist programs in the areas of Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Science and Languages – Italian. Staff are aware of the nature of the local community and endeavours to adapt the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of the students while providing a wide range of additional programs to engage and extend them. Everything we do is evaluated in relation to the impact on student learning outcomes, their engagement at school and their enjoyment of the school experience.

At SLPS we believe student learning is maximised when teachers create a positive learning environment through the application of Positive Behaviour Support, and Classroom Management Strategies. We focus on developing the emotional health and wellbeing of students, engaging the services of school psychologist, speech therapist intervention and school chaplain.  We provide Breakfast Club five mornings, staff host a special interest group that focus on sustainability, and all students participate in a range of free incursion and whole school celebrations. SLPS is an Act-Belong-Commit school, and we believe that looking after our physical, emotion and mental wellbeing is essential for a healthy life.

Education is a partnership between school and home! We believe that to succeed educationally, requires a strong, supportive relationship between the student, school and home. Our staff are available and are keen to advance communication to ensure the best outcomes for all students. Our School Council has successfully transitioned to a capable School Board, and our P&C are active around the school, and are always looking for helpful parents / carers to volunteer. The school is proactive in linking with other service providers and agencies, and the wider community. Connections have been made with various government agencies, Speech Pathology Services, City of Cockburn Local Government Authority, Curtin University, Lakeland Senior High School, Manna and Foodbank.   

We are always keen and happy to meet our parents.

Kind Regards,

​Leigh Liley